Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Happy Fall Everyone!

This Girl couldn't wait for it fast enough because this time of year is when it starts cooling off in the desert. I have had three visitors this past week.. A box turtle showed up on my back porch first then the next day a trantula! I gave the turtle to my neighbor who is a vet because I noticed it had something wrong with it. It was "drooling" just like the dogs do when they have encountered a scorpion.. and.. sure enough he confirmed that it got bit by one. Maybe that's why he came to my seek help! He is doing well and is living over there at the neighbors now with another turtle just like him. I think it was a "him" because I figured he would be have to be very brave to come around her with the two big dogs I have!  The baby dog is taller than the older one now, and she is the one who showed us the tarantula on the porch. They are not poisonous but they sure are scary looking! we took him over to the neighborhood vet and he confirmed he was indeed a male. He let him go and I hope he doesn't come back to my house anytime soon! 
                  Oh yeah my third visitor .. A great horned owl has been coming to nest in my Saguaro and my neighbor told me he comes every year at this time. I'm pretty sure this one's a girl! I will keep a close watch and see if I see any activity or evidence of  hatchlings. We were sitting on the porch one evening and we saw it swoop down and grab i'ts dinner. It is very exciting living out here in the desert and so far not a dull moment! I didn't get a picture of the tarantula but i did take one of the turtle so I will post that one. I put my camera on the back porch so hopefully I won't miss anything else !

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