Monday, July 16, 2012

Here are my Girlys!!!!!! Mona Lisa and Ella Bleu
Wow... what a  SiZZling!!Summer out here in the Desert! Talk about Hot Tamales! it's been brutal but we finally got some much needed rain over the past few days. I had to move in 110 degrees and it was not fun! My home is gorgeous and I am really enjoing being out here at the base of the Superstition Moun tains. We are putting in a diving pool so I can read to my hearts content and jump in to cool off! Did I mention that there is a new member to my family? We have a new Great Dane puppy and named her Ella Bleu. She is a marlequin.. White,Black and Grey. She also has one blue eye and one brown hence the name. She is 51 lbs. at 5 months and is just as tall as my 6 year old Weimariner Mona Lisa. It's alot of fun with a baby in our home! I told mona that she has to teach her baby to potty outside and so far it's working.. Ella keeps losing her teeth all over the place and she teethed on one of my husbands shoes and left one in there for him too! I told him not to leave them where she can get them. I haven't been readins much lately so I am just going to relax and kick back with a beer and get down to it! When I drink beer it's a Dos Equis of course! Everyone try and stay cool and keep on reading!!!!!!!